Sunday, September 14, 2008

Instructional Video for The Proper "Jam" Face.

Roger Manning Jr, is known for his keyboard work with Jellyfish, Beck, Imperial Drag, and The Moog Cookbook. He has an amazing collection of vintage 60's and 70's synths, Moogs, and keyboards. I just about fell off my chair watching the various examples of "Jam" face, also known as "Rock" face....the expressions one makes while playing solos. Enjoy.


Mark said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes those faces. Although I don't plan them out they were pretty close to the ones I'm told I make. Hilarious.

03/03/1974 - 02/09/2010 said...

So Mark, what would you call your Jam face?

I'd say mine is "Intense Gas" face.

Mark said...

I think mine are all of the above. I could see myself doing all of them at one time or another.